New air chief calls on President Hamid


The newly-appointed Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Shaikh Abdul Hannan on Sunday called on President Mohammad Abdul Hamid at Bangabhaban.

President’s Press Secretary Md. Joynal Abedin said in a briefing that the president congratulated the new air chief on assumption of the post.

President Hamid said the present government is taking and implementing various steps to transform the Bangladesh Air Force into a smart and efficient force as per the Forces Goal 2030.

The president appreciated the role of the Air Force in distributing relief, transporting medicines and medical supplies to Corona-affected people.

He hoped that under the leadership of the new chief Bangladesh Air Force would become a strong force with modern technology in the future.

During the meeting, the new Air Force chief sought the President’s direction and overall cooperation in carrying out its core responsibilities.

Secretary to the President’s Office Sampad Barua, Military Secretary Major General SM Salahuddin Islam and Secretary (attached) Wahidul Islam Khan were present on the occasion.

Air Marshal Abdul Hannan took over charges as the chief of Bangladesh Air Force on June 12, according to a press release of Inter Services Public Relation (ISPR).

He will hold this position for three years.

Source: United News of Bangladesh