Mobile World Congress 2021: Huawei wins 5 awards


Chinese telecom giant Huawei won five awards for its cutting-edge technology and inventions in the Mobile World Congress 2021 held in Barcelona from June 28-July 1.

This year, the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) announced the winners of the Global Mobile (GLOMO) awards.

Huawei bagged awards in five categories – best innovation for Covid-19 pandemic response and recovery, outstanding mobile contribution to the UN SDGs, best mobile innovation in emerging markets, best mobile innovation for the connected economy, and best mobile infrastructure.

Introduced in 1996 by the GSMA and judged by a panel of more than 250 global experts, the GLOMO Award is widely regarded as the highest honour within the mobile industry.

In this year’s edition, the telemedicine solution for Covid-19 developed by the China-Japan Friendship Hospital based on Huawei’s 5G network solutions won GSMA GLOMO Best Innovation or Covid-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery award.

This high-end technology provided by Huawei has helped the hospital to scale up patient services and assist more than 5,000 hospitals across China.

Marvin Chen, president of Huawei DIS Product Line, said: “5G is seeing large-scale application in healthcare. Huawei will continue to innovate 5G solutions together with the healthcare industry to develop 5G applications that can help fight the pandemic and get more value out of 5G.”

Also, Rainforest Connection and Huawei’s “Nature Guardian” project has contributed positively to protect nature, prevent deforestation, and safeguard against biodiversity loss. As a recognition, this project has been honoured with the GSMA 2021 GLOMO for its outstanding mobile contribution to the UN SDGs.

Huawei also bagged the best mobile innovation in emerging markets award of GSMA GLOMO for its industry-first integrated access and backhaul solution (RuralStar Pro), which has superseded traditional costly transmission modes of optical fibre, microwave, and satellite.

Source: United News of Bangladesh